Star trek beyond cast characters
Star trek beyond cast characters


Tall, Dark, and Snarky: He's a good-looking guy whose dialogue is roughly 50% snark.Spock being, well, Spock, does not entirely get them either. Talks like a Simile: He drops so many southern-themed metaphors in the sequel that Kirk actually orders him to stop.

star trek beyond cast characters

  • Super Doc: In Into Darkness, he brings Kirk back from the dead with nothing but a tribble and Khan's blood.
  • Stepford Snarker: In the first shuttle scene with Kirk, it's hinted that McCoy uses sarcasm to hide his vulnerability and sadness over losing everything in the divorce.
  • Southern-Fried Genius: A trained and experienced doctor from the south.
  • The Snark Knight: McCoy's divorce left him bitter and cynical, which he shows with frequent barbs, usually directed at Kirk or Spock.
  • star trek beyond cast characters star trek beyond cast characters

  • Sarcastic Devotee: McCoy is devoted to Kirk, yet never stops complaining about everything he does.
  • The term has fallen out of use today, so it instead comes from something McCoy says.


    Reimagining the Artifact: The nickname "Bones" was originally derived from "Sawbones", a term for doctors and especially surgeons (the full form is occasionally used in the original series).Perpetual Frowner: Fans have noted that he's always frowning, though deleted scenes show him smiling twice.He walks away from the corpse, sits at his desk and breaks down. When Kirk dies and is brought into sickbay during Into Darkness, McCoy is speechless. My Greatest Failure: Constantly hounds Kirk for his reckless behavior.He is responsible for healing the crew as needed. The Medic: He's the Chief Medical Officer aboard the Enterprise thus is well-versed in all types of medicine and biology.Downplayed compared to his Prime Universe counterpart, but Bones often acts as a down-to-Earth adviser for Kirk. He's the serious, cynical counterpart to Kirk's laid back, optimism (if occasional arrogance). The Lancer: Shares this role with Spock.Knight in Sour Armor: Despite McCoy's cynicism, he never stops trying to do the right thing.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He frequently snarks and complains, but deep down, McCoy is a compassionate, caring man who cares for the welfare of his friends.McCoy: The ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder: Twice in the first film, and once in the second.Hospital Hottie: A given for a doctor played by the handsome Karl Urban.


  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: He has elements of this with Kirk, especially in the first movie to the point where McCoy couldn't leave Kirk behind when the latter was grounded due to academic probation.
  • Good is Not Nice: Bones is a good, decent man, but he's also constantly snarky and almost never smiles.
  • Freudian Trio: The ego as the one functioning as a go-between to Kirk's id and Spock's superego.
  • Fascinating Eyebrow: A notable quirk of McCoy which Karl Urban actually possessed in real life before taking on the role.
  • On the other hand, Bones doesn't get killed.

    star trek beyond cast characters

    Both serve as the best friend of Kirk/Maverick, more cautious than their friend, and have a family (though McCoy's relationship with his family is much more strained). Expy: Of Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, at least in the first film.Jerk: While he's more of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, his bedside manner leaves something to be desired, especially when he's treating Kirk. Mainly towards Kirk, but he gets some shots in towards Spock as well. Deadpan Snarker: Wouldn't be Bones if he wasn't.


    Something of an Enforced Trope, as Urban was considering quitting the series after the second film.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Gets much more to do, and much more character development, in Star Trek Beyond, after having very little to do in Star Trek Into Darkness.
  • After the ordeal they had to go through in that film, he also sees fit to actually throw Kirk a surprise party anyway. The third film in particular implies that Kirk tends to celebrate his birthdays quietly with only McCoy as company.
  • Combat Medic: His designated role on most away missions in Beyond, after being stranded planetside, separated from the rest of the crew and with an injured Spock in tow, he is forced to remove a piece of shrapnel from Spock under less than ideal circumstances (using a jury-rigged phaser and a piece of metal to cauterise the wound), and eventually manages to stabilise him with outdated but still functional supplies found on the USS Franklin.
  • McCoy, may I remind you, that you are not there to flirt.īones: So, how can these legendary hands help you, Dr. Bones: You know, when I dreamed about being stuck on a deserted planet with a gorgeous woman, there was no torpedo!

    Star trek beyond cast characters